What is the White Glove service?
We offer a full-service import for merchants who prefer the ease of having everything done for them when importing orders. Our White Glove service inclu...
Sun, 11 Aug, 2019 at 1:53 AM
How far back in my order history should I import?
We would recommend as far back as you will want customer data for, there is no harm in importing additional data from previous years. We have some stores imp...
Sun, 21 Apr, 2019 at 5:46 PM
How do I export from Big Commerce?
Follow these instructions from Big Commerce to generate a .csv file of your orders: https://support.bigcommerce.com/s/article/Importing-Exporting-Orders An...
Thu, 23 May, 2019 at 12:14 AM
How do I export orders from Big Commerce?
Open your Big Commerce account, then go to Settings > Export Templates (under the Advanced Settings header).
Sun, 21 Apr, 2019 at 5:47 PM
What happens to products found in the order file, but not in my Shopify account (legacy products)?
Nothing. The app does not create new Shopify products, so these products will be ignored if they do not match an existing product. They will be “linked” how...
Sun, 21 Apr, 2019 at 5:52 PM
Does Orderimp work with Symphony Commerce?
Yes! Orderimp is a universal platform that can import files to Shopify from any platform that allows you to export your order history.
Sun, 21 Apr, 2019 at 5:53 PM
Does Orderimp work with Shopify Pro accounts?
Our App will work with any Shopify account plan. Plus stores get the added benefit of having faster import speeds via the Shopify API. Normal upload speed p...
Sun, 21 Apr, 2019 at 5:56 PM
Can we get a time extension on our import credits?
This shouldn't be an issue. Please send an email to support@orderimp.com to let us know the situation and we'll get you sorted out.
Sun, 21 Apr, 2019 at 5:58 PM
Does my export file need to exactly match Shopify's fields?
No. When you upload your file to Orderimp, you'll be given the chance to map all the columns in your export file to Shopify's import fields and any ...
Sun, 21 Apr, 2019 at 6:01 PM
If I import 3 years’ worth of order data, will I be able to view each year in the reporting side of Shopify?
Yes you will be able to view reports to see historical data. All orders will appear with the original order date specified in your import file and any additi...
Sun, 21 Apr, 2019 at 6:02 PM